Don’t hurry. Take your time and enjoy. You don’t want to kill all your dark areas they are very important. Fluff that up. I spend a lot of time walking around in the woods and talking to trees, and squirrels, and little rabbits and stuff. It looks so good, I might as well not stop. If you’ve been in Alaska less than a year you’re a Cheechako.

It’s a good way of getting rid of all your anxieties and hostilities. I guess I’m a little weird. I like to talk to trees and animals. That’s okay though; I have more fun than most people. See. We take the corner of the brush and let it play back-and-forth. Anytime you learn something your time and energy are not wasted. And I know you’re saying, ‘Oh Bob, you’ve done it this time.’ And you may be right.

You can do it. A thin paint will stick to a thick paint. All you have to learn here is how to have fun. That’s crazy. We’ll have a super time.

Just pretend you are a whisper floating across a mountain. There we go. Don’t be afraid to make these big decisions. Once you start, they sort of just make themselves. That is when you can experience true joy, when you have no fear. Maybe we got a few little happy bushes here, just covered with snow.

That easy. See how easy it is to create a little tree right in your world. We’ll make some happy little bushes here. If you do too much it’s going to lose its effectiveness. In this world, everything can be happy.

Let’s put a touch more of the magic here. If it’s not what you want – stop and change it. Don’t just keep going and expect it will get better. Just beat the devil out of it. Let your imagination be your guide. Maybe there’s a happy little Evergreen that lives here.

If there’s two big trees invariably sooner or later there’s gonna be a little tree. Isn’t that fantastic that you can create an almighty tree that fast? You have to make those little noises or it won’t work. Brown is such a nice color. Let’s give him a friend too. Everybody needs a friend. Mix your color marbly don’t mix it dead.